The factors that tend to reactivate the herpes virus include:
- decreased immune function which is common with a change in seasons
- increased consumption of alcohol, caffeine, sugar, nuts and chocolate
- decreased consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially those in season.
- lack of water or dehydration
- stressful situations or an increase in stress level
- Eat warm food with seasonal vegetables. Choose to have more soups, stews, casseroles and stir frys versus cold salads and sandwiches.
- Avoid high arginine-containing foods (chocolate, peanuts, almonds, other nuts and seeds).
- Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.
- Identify and control food allergies and intolerances.
- Ensure adequate water intake.
- Get regular exercise.
- Engage in relaxation exercises.
- Find ways to decrease and manage your stress.
- L-lysine as the herpes virus tends to be triggered when there is an imbalance in the amino acids arginine and lysine.
- Immune support such as Astragalus, Echinacae or Goldenseal
- Vitamins such as Vitamin C or Vitamin E.
- Lip-balms that contain l-lysine or other natural herbs.
For further information talk to your naturopathic doctor.